How often does one feel overworked and that there are not enough hours in the day? How often does one feel stunted sometimes, with no clear direction or vision as you are too busy doing the "doing" and not concentrating on the "growing" of your business. How often does one have sick days as they have reached burnout?
Often, if we regularly remove ourselves from our workplace for 30-60 minutes, we come back feeling refreshed, re-energised and re-focused. At Interactive Media Services Ltd, we recognise the need to pull away from the laptop and focus on our physical and mental wellbeing. For Sophie, it is running and regular PT sessions, but for others, yoga plays an important part in looking after yourself. After all, how can you look after your business if you don't look after yourself, first?
Read our top 5 tips below on how our virtual yoga wellness sessions can benefit you and your business. Let's also remember that by offering yoga to your employees, even if it is just a handful of you, then this could help improve employee satisfaction as work culture becomes an ever increasing factor and criteria for individuals.
High Performing Staff - increased cognitive and levels of concentration are just a couple of areas in which yoga can improve our performance. Not forgetting that yoga encompasses not just physical workouts, but also mental and spiritual guidance which help improve breathing techniques, which in turn improves our concentration.
Avoiding Burnout - when we are stressed we reach burnout, so what better way to reduce stress than to join regular yoga and meditation classes to keep you calm, collected and focussed. Even the GP is now recommending this to their patients so you gotta give it a go!
Physical Wellbeing - we all know sitting at a desk all day is not good. We can feel sluggish, fatigue and have low blood circulation. Releasing those endorphins by moving your body helps you re-gain energy ready to hit the rest of the day with a bang!
Increased Focus - our mental clutter can often take over, especially when we are hit with tight deadlines, a full inbox or problem solving complex scenarios. By having regular yoga sessions, you can come away feeling more alert and more productive.
Improved Morale - when we feel calm, we tend to have a more positive outlook on life and less likely to be involved in counterproductive work. Whether you are a one-man band, a team of under 10 employees or an SME of 50+ employees, yoga improves team morale and can help build stronger connections.
If you are reading this and wondering how you can fit this into your busy week, then read on further to find out how the team at Interactive Media Services Ltd combines a wellness strategy into their diaries, to ensure both work and personnel are taken care of:
Set targets - this can be an excellent way to ensure you stay on track. It gives you something to aim for and stretches you to reach your goals.
Publish your targets - whether you write it in a fitness diary, post on social media or even check in for an accountability meeting with your VA, by writing them down and sharing them with others, it can help keep you focussed. As part of our VA services, we can offer you yoga sessions as well as regular accountability meetings.
Plan ahead - working with your VA, build time into the diary for regular weekly sessions.
Mindset - treat your weekly sessions as business meetings, in other words, they are not to be missed or ignored. We find that colour coding important meetings (be it work or fitness) works very well and in turn, the sessions never get pushed to the bottom of the pile.
Interactive VA Ltd
Buckinghamshire, LU7 9DG, ENGLAND
ICO registration: ZA842836 / ZB549795
Company Incorporation Number: 14626189
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